Circle Economy

Circularity Gap Report 2021

In 2021, Circle Economy published the latest edition of its Circularity Gap Report, laying bare the gulf between where the world is now and where it needs to be to avoid catastrophic global warming. But Circle Economy aren’t your average doomsayers. They come bearing good news: working now to transition from linear to circular economies will not only avert the worst of climate change, but help us build healthier, fairer and more prosperous societies.
Circle Economy
Report Video
Countries worked in

5+ Circular Partnerships Established


For the messages in their 2021 report to land, Circle Economy needed to make sure as many people as possible understood the basics of circular economic thinking. Could Makmende lay the groundwork for them to build on?

Makmende approach

Our approach was to make something slick and simple, a 90-second video that laid out in clear terms the problem Circle Economy is trying to solve and the essence of their approach. The idea of circularity, of re-using what you have to get what you want, was woven throughout the film, from the edited footage to the text that delivers the message.


The video was used to launch the 2021 Circularity Gap Report during the virtual Davos Agenda Week, hosted by the World Economic Forum. It now follows Circle Economy wherever they go, online and off, helping them start the big conversation we need to have.

Working towards these SDG’s

Climate action SDG
Responsible consumption and production SDG
Sustainable cities and communities SDG

Meet some of the local storytellers working on this case
