Improving communications for driving impact.
In 2024, Makmende ran the impact industry’s first survey of communications professionals, gathering insight from government, NGO and private sector comms teams from around the world.
We wanted to know what really works when communicating about important issues, and what doesn’t. Which channels and formats communications teams are having success with and where they struggle. What new technology like AI means for the future of impact communications, and which of the old tricks still work.
Now we’re presenting these results back to the wider impact community so that we can all get better at engaging our audiences on important issues and driving change.
So join us for one of our free workshops where together we’ll:
- Unpack the key insights from the survey and earn about the biggest challenges faced by colleagues from different sectors such as making messages relevant, finding the right channels, and making audiences care.
- Look at inspiring examples of strategic approaches to overcome these 3 common challenges
- Get concrete ideas to improve your messaging and make better use of digital platforms, and engage your audience with more impactful content formats.
Discuss how these insights relate to your situation and how your organisation can improve its communications.
If your preferred date isn’t listed, feel free to reach out to us directly—we’d be happy to arrange a session that works for you and your organization.