In a world grappling with environmental crises, the call for positive change is stronger than ever. Every role is crucial, including the often overlooked need for storytelling. As author Jonathan Gottschal famously noted, “We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” It’s testament to our inherent love for narratives.
Instead of bombarding audiences with statistics and data, stories are able to offer a humanizing lens. The right story can spark emotions and make the complexity of environmental problems felt. Stories have the power to inspire action and transform attitudes, behaviors, and policies.
Makmende creative Alessia’s pick
Drama Film – There’s Still Tomorrow
It’s fiction, but the story is grounded in reality. It’s in black and white, but it’s very contemporary. ‘There’s still tomorrow’ is an Italian film that has recently been released in cinemas worldwide. It’s the directorial debut of Paola Cortellesi, an Italian actress known in her country for her comedic talents. The film is a moving and powerful journey that serves as a testament to individual (feminist) resistance, reminding us that some battles remain relevant to this day.”
Makmende editor Anggara’s pick
Documentary – The Bitter Root
I found this documentary through my thesis research, interviewing the director of this movie. It’s a heartbreaking story centered around a young boy abducted by rebels in Uganda, compelled to do horrible acts, but at the same time it’s also a story of forgiveness and restoration. What struck me most was the innovative approach to storytelling, the use of black and white animation to depict the protagonist’s past. It is really a great example of how filmmakers are able to find creative solutions in telling their story.
Makmende creative Elise’s pick
Documentary – Four Daughters
For nearly two hours, I was completely captured by this documentary, a masterful blend of reality and fiction that tells the story of a mother and her four daughters in Tunisia. The film reconstructs the recruitment of two daughters by ISIS, while the other two daughters remain with their mother. Its raw honesty and brutal portrayal make it one of the most intriguing, suffocating and touching films I’ve ever seen. It’s the kind of storytelling that gets your blood levels pumped, yet leaves you yearning for more.
Makmende editor Alda’s pick
Book – Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman
I love this book. It tells stories from the past which reflect that humanity is inherently good. Yes, humanity has a questionable record, no denying that. But contrary to what has sadly become popular belief, most of us are actually pretty decent – even more than decent. There are good people – and they’re not the exception. And there’s definitely enough of a reason to keep hope alive.
Makmende creative Maaike’s pick
Documentary – A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis
This documentary was very refreshing to me. There’s so many documentaries about climate change out there. But this one carries it with humor, yet without sacrificing on addressing the urgency. This humor, alternated with the beautiful, cinematic spacious shots and silence, makes it almost therapeutic to watch. I watched it in a cinema on a big screen, but I bet it will still be good if you watch it at home.
Makmende producer Wietske’s pick
This short documentary (which recently won Best Human Rights Film award at the New York Tri-State International Film Festival), was written, shot and edited in 7 days by 6 new to filmmaking as part of a non-profit documentary workshop aimed at empowering underprivileged Indonesian filmmakers (led by one of our beloved DOPs Nat Ma).
Makmende producer Maja’s pick
Documentary series – Our Living World
I enjoyed this series like I enjoyed films when I was a kid. It is magic, and all is real. Nature is magic and we really need to take care of it. I was so impressed that some parts I watched 2 or even 3 times. A series like this reaches a big audience and inspires viewers to think more critically about their role in preserving the planet. Its combination of stunning visuals, educational content, environmental advocacy, emotional impact, and excellent storytelling offers a chance to see the world from a new perspective. A must see.
Makmende creative Nicole’s pick
Podcast – World Corrupt
World Corrupt is a podcast series from the creators of Pod Save America, diving into the world of sport washing. The first season focused on Qatar’s controversial World Cup, while the newest season is looking forward, asking, “Why is Saudi Arabia investing billions in soccer?” But the British and American hosts aim to look at themselves too, exploring “what it means to be a fan and a responsible citizen of the world while watching the most popular sporting event on the planet.”
Makmende creative Paris’ pick
Podcast – The Public Philosopher
I’m a big fan of this podcast and often like going through the archive to see how far conversation has evolved in recent history. For a long time I’ve been a fan of Micheal Sandal’s work and approach to life’s big questions. I genuinely believe the philosopher helps me to think differently, regardless of the topic or whether I agree with his leaning at all.